Photo shoot with Roy Varga

So back in November (yes I realize I have a LOT to catch up on) I had the opportunity to be photographed by Roy Varga.  For those that do not know who he is, he is a very well known and respected pin-up photographer.

I had the best time and learned so much.  I walked out of there with over 300 images!  He was a gentleman, very nice, very encouraging and made me feel completely comfortable.  If you ever have the opportunity to be photographed by him – I say go for it! You get to pick different packages and sets (and they differ every year)

He is just an all around amazing human being and loves what he does.  I also fell head over heels in love with his pit bull June.  She is so cute and sweet. I did my own make-up for the shoot (I always do) and my hair was done by Kathy who goes by beautymarkofthebeast on instagram.  I brought all of my own accessories, clothing and shoes.  I can’t wait to do another photo shoot next year!!!!

My Facebook has about 90 images from the shoot

I will also post some below:


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